Saturday, July 24, 2010

Best Advice.

This past week was probably one of the craziest weeks of my life. After about three months of hardcore job searching, I was able to land two interviews and get two job offers. At first the problem was finding a job, then I found myself having to choose between two very appealing job offers. This brought be back to some very good advice I received from my father a few years ago.

[Begin Dream Sequence]
It was the fall of 2005 and I wanted to ask a certain woman to marry me. I remember talking with my dad about it and it was almost as if I was asking his permission. I'll never forget the advice he gave me. It's so simple and practical yet so profound. He basically told me that I was the only one who could make my life's decisions because I was the only one who had to deal with the consequences, good or bad.
[End Dream Sequence]

Believe it or not that was some of the most freeing advice that I've ever gotten from anyone. As I was wrestling this week with choosing a job and leaving another behind, I was reminded of that moment. It was a tough choice because I put a final stamp on one chapter of my life and am taking a huge step into another. I said farewell to The Oconee Enterprise, which was difficult, and I am thankful and blessed for the experience gained over the past two and a half years. But I feel that this is my next move, I have a peace about it. Continue to pray for Megan and I as we both adjust to new job roles, and that God would lead us to a church where He would have us get involved and serve in.

*In case you're wondering, I accepted a job as a Graphic Designer with a company in Norcross, GA. That's more or less the Atlanta area for those who are not familiar with the area. I'm excited and ready to jump into this new role.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

River Hills Conclusion

As some of you may know, I have resigned as Worship Leader of River Hills Church. I am thankful for the opportunities and experiences that God has given me through this church plant.

It has been a blessing and an honor to see this church grow from a family of four to roughly 300+ people. It really is a movement of God. The relationships I've developed over the past several years will last me the rest of my life. I could never fully express my appreciation of the love and support I have recieved from the River Hills Church family.

Please pray for Megan and I as we seek God's direction for our lives during this time.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Set List for 04.18.10

Marvelous Light - Charlie Hall
All Because of Jesus - Fee
Made to Worship - Chris Tomlin
All Creatures - David Crowder Band
I Stand Amazed - The Alleliua Ep version

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Music Wednesday - See Me Through

See Me Through
I've really been looking forward to sharing this song with everyone. I wrote the chorus first and for several months couldn't finish the song. I guess it just had to marinate a little longer. It's kind of like checking the oven while you're waiting on a pizza to cook, or maybe some cookies. After the right amount of time the light goes off and everything makes sense.

Anyways, I digress. Let me know if you like it. I've been in the process of capturing some other ideas I have and even re-recording some music that I wrote in college. Enjoy this New Music Wednesday!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Set List for 04.11.10

Rejoice - Chris Tomlin
We Will Not Be Shaken - River Hills Worship
All We Need - Charlie Hall
Jesus Paid It All - Kristian Stanfill
Jesus Messiah - Chris Tomlin

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Set List - 04.04.10

We had a great worship experience yesterday at River Hills. We had 299 in attendance, and several decisions for Christ! If you weren't there you missed our guest worship leader, Matt Papa, who led us in a very authentic time of worship. Definitely check out Matt's website, find him on iTunes, do what you can to support his ministry. The world needs more guys like him!

Happy Day - Tim Hughes
Jesus Paid It All - Kristian Stanfill
Open Hands - Matt Papa
Stronger - Hillsong
Mighty to Save - Hillsong
Salvation is Here - Hillsong United

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Losing My Religion Graphic

So...Here is the Losing My Religion graphic. Contrary to my last post about the work flow and creative process, this was my first idea and first draft. Sometime things just come together the first time around. Usually the hardest part of design is resourcing pictures to use. You don't always have the ability to go out and take pictures of specific things. For instance in this graphic, I knew that I wanted angelic statues, but there aren't a lot of those available in Winder, GA. About six months ago I stumbled on this website with royalty-free pictures. I always change them or add something to them in some way before I use them. For example, the color is different, obviously, but I've also layered some different, more detailed stone textures over top just to spice it up a little.

I'm excited about this upcoming series, and what better time to start this than on Easter. If you're in the area come celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ this Easter at River Hills Church. We're going to have a blast, also joining us as a guest Worship Leader is Matt Papa, check his music out if you haven't already. It's going to be good.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Set List for 03.28.10

10:45 a.m. Service
We Lift You Up - Jason Morant
How Great Thou Art - Charlie Hall
Beautiful Jesus - Kristian Stanfill
'Til I See You - Hillsong United
Everlasting God - Brenton Brown

Evening of Prayer and Worship - 6:30 p.m.
Everlasting God - Brenton Brown
How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin
Jesus Messiah - Chris Tomlin
Doxology - David Crowder Band

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Punk Rock is "Contagious"

When I'm Ready

So for those who don't know, I was in a Punk Rock band during my high school years. It was a fun time. We called ourselves Contagious. At first, I'll admit, we were pretty terrible. But as we progressed as a band we came into our own. I've always regretted that the last several songs that we wrote didn't get recorded because they were some of our best material.

It all started when me and my best/life-long friend Chris Lee began to learn how to play the guitar. The Bible says that as iron sharpens iron so does one man sharpen another, and I think that applies to all areas of our lives, even learning the guitar and writing music. Looking back I think we pushed and challenged each other to get better. Soon drummer, Marc, and bassist, Matt, came into the picture and we had ourselves a band.

We soon came to the conclusion that in order to be a "real band" we needed to write our own music. So we did. And seeing how we were only 16 we wrote about the two most important things in our lives, Jesus and.......girls. The song above is called "When I'm Ready" it's kind of about both.

The biggest take away I had from my experience with Contagious was the bond, the brotherhood created within the context of a band. I think since then any band I've been apart of, worship related or not, I've tried to nurture that same aspect. Mainly because it's such an awesome thing to experience and be apart of(same goes for my River Hills musicians!)

The top picture was our promo with drummer, Marc, and below we have a picture of a concert we played on the beach-front with our second drummer, Patrick. Miss those days...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Set List for 03.14.10

Sing to the King - Billy Foote
Nothing But the Blood - Brandt Farmer arrangement
Sing Sing Sing - Chris Tomlin
How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin
We Bring You Praise - River Hills Worship
Glory to God Forever - Fee

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Warrior Poets Graphic Revealed

So Monday I finished up the graphic for the upcoming sermon series Warrior Poets: Biblical Manhood. I thought I'd share a little bit of my creative process with this particular graphic. Unfortunately, they don't come as easy as some may think. I had a screen writing professor in college compare an idea to a pile of crap with a golden nugget inside. Basically, you have to dig and sort through all the surrounding crap to get to the golden nugget. This process is very obvious in this particular graphic design.

The first image I thought of when I heard the phrase Warrior Poet was Mel Gibson's character from Braveheart. I like the vivid imagery of the blue war paint on his face. So I attempted to recreate that in a graphic. In my mind Warrior Poet is an oxymoron, so it needed an edge but also a softer, sensual quality. Usually 9 times out of 10, the first graphic is just there to work out the overall idea. Seen here, it's plainly a terrible graphic. Keep diggin' Brandt.

As I worked through this first I idea, I kept coming back to a western feel with Native American Indians. Shortly after that I had my "Ah Ha" moment and found my golden nugget in the shape of a feathered arrow(this only took me about a month). The warrior side would be an arrow and the poet side would be a fountain pen. Warrior. Poet. In turn as I designed the new graphic I moved from the western feel into more of a Frank Miller's 300, graphic novel type feel.

All in all I think it came out nicely, and a lot better than I could have expected. But isn't that how God works?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Set List for 02.28.10

Hosanna(Praise is Rising) - Paul Baloche/Brenton Brown
Jesus Messiah - Chris Tomlin
You Are Enough - Elevation Worship
My Deliverer w/Everlasting God tag - Chris Tomlin
'Til I see You - Hillsong United

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Top 12 most influential albums(Part 2)

Just some background before I go any further with this post, a lot of people may be surprised to find that my interest in music didn't really begin until the mid '90s. As I have discovered all types and styles of music since then, I think I picked out the albums that best directly relate to my personal musical style. Here's the top 6.

6. New Found Glory - Sticks and Stone

For those of you who may not know, I was in a pop punk band throughout the majority of my high school career. That in itself is worthy of its own blog. In the beginning, we were horrible. But over time, we grew into our own skin. This album was one of the biggest influences on me in that particular musical stage of my life. I love the guitar riffs/rhythms. I had a chance to catch a show of theirs at The House of Blues in Myrtle Beach, SC. Their energy and stage presence was incredible. During the last song of the show, they encouraged people to jump up on stage. Of course the bouncers were against that idea, so NFG got mad at the bouncers. Eventually, chaos broke out and the stage was flooded with people(mostly teenagers). I think our bassist at the time ended up with a drum stick. Call it brand loyalty or what have you, but I've continued to invest in every album of their since.

5. Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Live at Luther College

If you don't own this record, Go. Buy. It. Now. I picked this up as a senior in high school. I saw a VH1 Storytellers of these two guys and have been hooked ever since. I think most people would agree that Dave Matthews is on a higher level than most singer/songwriters. You know it's Dave when you hear that percussive acoustic riff. Only Dave can sing and scat the way he does and still get away with it being cool. Plus, adding a phenomenal guitarist like Tim Reynolds is just mind blowing. I can't believe that he(Tim) can play an acoustic with that much speed and still retain its clarity and voicing. My favorite song is probably Trippin' Billies, I just love the riff.

4. Delirious? - Mezzamorphis

This album belonged to my sister. As I went to visit her one summer in Columbia, SC, we were listening to this as we drove around. Somehow I ended up going home with this. If I'm not mistaken we traded cd's. I digress. For me, this was one of the records you put on repeat and listen to over and over again. Delirious? has a very unique sound and I would count them in as one of the pioneers of Christian rock, even some aspects of worship music. I remember plugging in my Epiphone SG into my little Peavey amp and working my way through this record. Deeper is one that stands out in my mind that I spent hours playing to. It's not typical music and I think that's why I was drawn to it.

3. Third Day - Time

Time is one of the first albums I was introduced and listening to when I first felt the calling on my life to get involved with performing/writing Christian music. Every song was solid. They all have a strong message, strong riffs and melodies. I've Always Love You, Your Love Oh Lord(Psalm 36), What Good, Sky Falls Down, and Give are my favorites if I had to narrow them down. Unfortunately after this record I started to grow away from Third Day. Can't explain it, I could but it would take too long, but I do have a lot of respect for their music and appreciate the impact they've had on me my life.

2. Brevada - This Too Shall Pass

This band, native to the Columbia, SC area and also formerly known at The Doc Sommers Band, rocked my world in high school and a little of my college life. They may have had the greatest impact on me as a whole being a young musician when I discovered them. First off, one of the coolest things about the band is the fact that the lead singer's mother played the drums. Yeah, it was awesome because she rocked out better than most. The guitars were aggressive yet extremely melodic. There was passion and authenticity in the lyrics, overall great music. Sadly, they dispersed in, I think, the spring of 2005. The lead singer, Mack Brock is currently on staff at Elevation Church in Charlotte. If you haven't heard any of the worship music coming out of Elevation, you should do that right now. You might even catch a hint of Brevada in the music.

1. Third Eye Blind - Third Eye Bling

This was my first real record purchase. I was a 7th grader and for my birthday had a gift card to a record store. I had heard Semi-Charmed Life on the radio and thought that it was a good enough reason for me to buy the cd. I can listen to this album at any time and all day long. I know the content is questionable for most middle schoolers(which is crazy cause that's when I bought this), but it's poppy. I like Pop Rock. The hooks/songs are great. No doubt. You'll be singing these songs long after you have listened to them. The guitar tones are superb. There are a lot of alternate tunings which gives it a very open feel. Favorite songs are Narcolepsy, Semi-Charmed Life, How's It Going to Be, you know actually every song is a favorite.

Other honorable mentions(in no particular order): Relient K - Mmhmm; Hootie & The Blowfish - Cracked Rear View; Jennifer Knapp - Lay It Down; Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown; Nickelback - All The Right Reasons; Shane & Shane - An Evening with Shane and Shane; Nine Days - The Madding Crowd; Erich Skelton - Some Other City; Dashboard Confessional - A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar; John Mayer - Heavier Things; Further Seems Forever - How to Start a Fire Disc 1; David Crowder Band - Illuminate, Story of the Year - Page Avenue; Maroon 5 - Songs About Jane

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Set List for 02.21.10

Sing to the King - Billy Foote
How Great Thou Art - Charlie Hall
Glory to God Forever - Fee
Beautiful Jesus - Kristian Stanfill
I Stand Amazed(How Marvelous) - Chris Tomlin
We Will Not Be Shaken - River Hills Worship

Friday, February 19, 2010

Top 12 most influential albums(Part 1)

I've been wanting to write this post for a long time. I always get a lot of questions about my influences and what music I listen to. It's probably not going to be what you would expect. Sometimes I think people assume, as a worship leader, all I listen to is mainstream Christian music, which isn't entirely true. These albums have had the most impact on me musically and inspirationally. I'm going to split this into two posts in order to keep them shorter. This post fill be followed by another blog about my top 10 favorite/most influential worship albums for those who are interested in my favorite worship artists.

12. Lifehouse - No Name Face

I wore this cd out in high school. Hanging by a Moment was one of my favorites. They write great songs with great hooks, the kind that leave you humming the melodies for the rest of the day. And somehow this guy gets the thickest guitar tones that I've ever heard. Still trying to get mine to sound that good. I haven't made it a priority to see them live, but I'm really wanting to. I've heard they put on a solid show.

11. Edison Glass - A Burn or a Shiver

My good friend Chris Lee invited me to attend a concert with him in Charlotte one time while I was in college. Since Megan was there at school I made it a weekend trip with a rock show and some time with the future Mrs. Farmer. Just happened to be an Edison Glass concert. Changed my life. These four guys blew my mind with the live show. Killer guitar rythms and leads all meshed together with great hooks and melodies, I never get tired of listening to this record. You can bet that you'll catch yourself singing one of these songs at the top of your lungs while you're driving down the road too.

10. The Working Title - About-Face

I saw these guys for the first time as a freshman in college, found out they were from Charleston, SC. I've always tried to support the local music scene. Didn't get their full album until I was a junior. I wore this thing slap out. The vocalist has a very unique voice, but every song is strong. If I had to choose, I think The Mary Getaway (I Lost Everything) would be my favorite track on the album. But that's a tough choice to make.

9. Hillsong United - Look to You

Right when I felt I was in a drought of good worship music, here comes Hillsong United. I still have songs from this album in a regular rotation in my set lists. They have a sound that is completely their own, one that everyone else has tried to replicate, including me. But these songs connected with me on a very deep level and they still do today. Salvation is Here and 'Til I See You are two classics.

8. Jason Morant - Abandon

I stumbled across this album sometime around my sophomore year of college. It was extremely inspirational, and always motivates me to worship authentically and try to write songs out of that worship. I think that his version of I Love You Lord is genius. There is No One is probably my favorite worship song of all time. It basically states that there is no one like our God, so let's worship Him with all we have.

7. Derek Webb - She Must and Shall Go Free

Derek Webb is a very passionate songwriter. You may not recognize him, but since he is formerly of the group Caedmon's Call, I'm sure you'd recognize something that he's written if you've been listening to Christian music. This album is all about the church and it's flaws. It's very convicting yet encouraging at the same time. I got to meet him once and after talking with him I walked away with a greater appreciation for his music. Nobody Loves Me, Crooked Deep Down, Saint and Sinner, and Wedding Dress are four of my favorites on this album(hard to narrow that one down). I would cover Nobody Loves Me when I played shows in coffee houses.

Stay tuned to find out the top six...I know you're on the edge of your seat. I can tell.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Keeper of the Night Stand

Meet Ted. You can call him Ted, Teddy, Theodore, Cat, or a few other choice names that I will keep to myself. He likes to perch himself on my night stand and one night Megan and I got tickled at him and nicknamed him Keeper of the Night Stand. He reminds me of the lion statues you see on either side of a driveway or something like that. Ted is the first cat that I've ever had. I've always been a dog person. My family have always been dog people. So there was a bit of a learning curve for me when I brought Ted home to live with us for Megan's birthday surprise. There are a few differences between cats and dogs that I've encountered.

1) When cats wag their tails, that doesn't mean they're happy. It's usually more of a warning. Example: Cat says as he swishes his tail, "I'm not a dog so stop rubbing my head that hard or I will tap into my ancient lion instincts and kick your —."

2) Dogs crave attention. Cats demand attention. Ted is a very affectionate cat, but usually when it's most convenient for him. The best example occurs in the morning time. The cat has associated the sound of our alarms in the morning with the fact that he is going to be fed soon. So in an attempt to speed up the process, he tries to wake us up by rubbing his head into our faces, this happens to be a form of affection for them, but at 7:00 o'clock in the morning it's just plain annoying.

3) I believe the saying "Cats Rule and Dogs Drool" is completely false. Whoever coined that phrase is/was an idiot. Cats may rule, but they drool far more than dogs. And to make matters worse, they prefer to rub the slobber on you, on your leg, hands, face, or anywhere that is in a neck's reach. I understand they are marking their territory and showing affection all at the same time. But cut me some slack, and don't rub your drool on my nose, it's gross and it stinks.

However, over the past five months or so I've grown very attached to this cat. I think most any pet brings joy to a family and Ted definitely brightens up our lives. I could fill a blog just about the crazy things this cat does on a day-to-day basis. He's chilled with me even as I've written this blog. I never thought I'd feel this way, but he definitely makes me a cat-person.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Set List for 02.07.10

Everlasting God - Brenton Brown
You Are Enough - Elevation Worship
Glory to God Forever - Fee
How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin
We Bring You Praise* - River Hills Worship
We Lift You Up - Jason Morant/Paul Baloche

*If you missed out on The Alleluia Ep you can find "We Bring You Praise" on it, and you can find it here.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Floods of Grace

I had a chance to read through the story of Noah, and just like before, it doesn't matter how many times I read this story something new always hits me like a ton of bricks. Here's my brief summary of Noah and the Ark:

God became disappointed in man. God found favor in Noah. God told Noah to build an Ark and collect two of every animal. Noah obeyed God. The floods came. The floods left. The Ark settled on dry land. Noah offered praise to God. God was pleased, blessed Noah, and made this promise:

"I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth." —Genesis 9:13-16 ESV

As I read this the other day all I could think about was Jesus. I always find it fascinating to see allusions to Jesus in the Old Testament, an added support to the fact that God had a plan of redemption from the very beginning. For the true believers in Christ, God looks upon us and sees His son Jesus. He are covered in the blood of Christ. Just as God sees the rainbow and is reminded of the covenant He made with Noah and all living things, He looks on us and sees Jesus and that we are redeemed through that relationship. When we mess up and give into our sinful natures, God doesn't seek to destroy us but shows us grace. It's a beautiful thing.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Today I started a new chronological Bible reading plan, so obviously I started in Genesis. It seems over the course of my life I've probably read this book a dozen times and heard many sermons and talks on it as well. But it never seems to amaze me that something new and very relevant pops out at me.

At the end of the third chapter God is about to banish Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden after their disobedience(sin). However, I found it interesting what he does just before that.

"And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them." Genesis 3:21 ESV

I think it is so cool that God in the midst of our sin and consequences takes the take to provide for our need. He is mercy and He is faithful.

*One struggle I have in my personal bible study time is knowing what to read. Sometime you have to get yourself on a plan. I hate scheduling things but you do what you have to do. Anyway if you need a good resource for reading guides or plans, check out this website. It's definitely one of the best resources I've come across lately and if you're really tech-savvy they have apps for your phone. When it's this easy you can't have any excuse when it come to studying your Bible.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Set List for 01.31.10

All Because of Jesus - Fee
My Deliverer - Chris Tomlin
Glory to God Forever - Fee
Hosanna - Hillsong United
Mighty to Save - Hillsong
We Will Not Be Shaken - River Hills Worship

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Set List for 01.24.10

Sing Sing Sing - Chris Tomlin
Hosanna - Hillsong United
Salvation is Here - Hillsong United
Heart of Worship - Matt Redman
From the Inside Out - Hillsong United

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Set List for 01.17.09

Run - Hillsong
Sing to the King - Billy Foote
How Great Thou Art - Charlie Hall
Lead Me to the Cross - Hillsong United
From the Inside Out - Hillsong United
Hosanna(Praise is Rising) - Paul Baloche/Brenton Brown

Monday, January 11, 2010

Set List for 01.10.10

Salvation is Here - Hillsong United
How Great Thou Art - Charlie Hall
We Will Not Be Shaken - River Hills Worship(available on The Alleluia EP)
Beautiful Jesus - Kristian Stanfill
There is No One - Jason Morant
We Lift You Up - Jason Morant/Paul Baloche

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Free Ep Download!!!!

Hey guys. Here is the second installment of New Music Wednesday. Although not all of this music is new, some of them are hymns, it is FREE! Megan(my lovely wife) and I are broke church planter and didn't have much money for Christmas presents this year so we decided to record a few hymns and a couple of original songs for our family and dear friends. Since it's expensive to make everyone we know a CD, I had a brilliant idea to post this link, click here or on the graphic above, so that everyone and anyone can get there hands on it. We hope you enjoy this and please share it with your friends!

***You should be able to right-click on the link and then click "Download Linked File" or "Save Target As" or some other form of that phrase. You'll be downloading a .zip file of a folder with the music inside. There are six songs, four hymns, and two originals.

The Alleluia EP
1. I Stand Amazed(How Marvelous)
2. The Solid Rock
3. How Deep the Father's Love for Us
4. All Creatures of our God and King
5. We Will Not Be Shaken
6. We Bring You Praise

Set List for 01.03.10

We welcomed on staff, Spencer Breedlove and his family this week. He was able to share his heart with us during this past Sunday. His message will be available online later this week. Here is the set list:

All Because of Jesus - Fee
Sing to the King - Billy Foote
Mighty to Save - Hillsong
Beautiful Jesus - Kristian Stanfill
Everlasting God - Brenton Brown