Thursday, April 1, 2010

Losing My Religion Graphic

So...Here is the Losing My Religion graphic. Contrary to my last post about the work flow and creative process, this was my first idea and first draft. Sometime things just come together the first time around. Usually the hardest part of design is resourcing pictures to use. You don't always have the ability to go out and take pictures of specific things. For instance in this graphic, I knew that I wanted angelic statues, but there aren't a lot of those available in Winder, GA. About six months ago I stumbled on this website with royalty-free pictures. I always change them or add something to them in some way before I use them. For example, the color is different, obviously, but I've also layered some different, more detailed stone textures over top just to spice it up a little.

I'm excited about this upcoming series, and what better time to start this than on Easter. If you're in the area come celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ this Easter at River Hills Church. We're going to have a blast, also joining us as a guest Worship Leader is Matt Papa, check his music out if you haven't already. It's going to be good.

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