I've been wanting to write this post for a long time. I always get a lot of questions about my influences and what music I listen to. It's probably not going to be what you would expect. Sometimes I think people assume, as a worship leader, all I listen to is mainstream Christian music, which isn't entirely true. These albums have had the most impact on me musically and inspirationally. I'm going to split this into two posts in order to keep them shorter. This post fill be followed by another blog about my top 10 favorite/most influential worship albums for those who are interested in my favorite worship artists.
12. Lifehouse - No Name Face

I wore this cd out in high school.
Hanging by a Moment was one of my favorites. They write great songs with great hooks, the kind that leave you humming the melodies for the rest of the day. And somehow this guy gets the thickest guitar tones that I've ever heard. Still trying to get mine to sound that good. I haven't made it a priority to see them live, but I'm really wanting to. I've heard they put on a solid show.
11. Edison Glass - A Burn or a Shiver
My good friend Chris Lee invited me to attend a concert with him in Charlotte one time while I was in college. Since Megan was there at school I made it a weekend trip with a rock show and some time with the future Mrs. Farmer. Just happened to be an Edison Glass concert. Changed my life. These four guys blew my mind with the live show. Killer guitar rythms and leads all meshed together with great hooks and melodies, I never get tired of listening to this record. You can bet that you'll catch yourself singing one of these songs at the top of your lungs while you're driving down the road too.
10. The Working Title - About-Face
I saw these guys for the first time as a freshman in college, found out they were from Charleston, SC. I've always tried to support the local music scene. Didn't get their full album until I was a junior. I wore this thing slap out. The vocalist has a very unique voice, but every song is strong. If I had to choose, I think
The Mary Getaway (I Lost Everything) would be my favorite track on the album. But that's a tough choice to make.
9. Hillsong United - Look to You
Right when I felt I was in a drought of good worship music, here comes Hillsong United. I still have songs from this album in a regular rotation in my set lists. They have a sound that is completely their own, one that everyone else has tried to replicate, including me. But these songs connected with me on a very deep level and they still do today.
Salvation is Here and
'Til I See You are two classics.
8. Jason Morant - Abandon

I stumbled across this album sometime around my sophomore year of college. It was extremely inspirational, and always motivates me to worship authentically and try to write songs out of that worship. I think that his version of
I Love You Lord is genius.
There is No One is probably my favorite worship song of all time. It basically states that there is no one like our God, so let's worship Him with all we have.
7. Derek Webb - She Must and Shall Go Free
Derek Webb is a very passionate songwriter. You may not recognize him, but since he is formerly of the group Caedmon's Call, I'm sure you'd recognize something that he's written if you've been listening to Christian music. This album is all about the church and it's flaws. It's very convicting yet encouraging at the same time. I got to meet him once and after talking with him I walked away with a greater appreciation for his music.
Nobody Loves Me, Crooked Deep Down, Saint and Sinner, and
Wedding Dress are four of my favorites on this album(hard to narrow that one down). I would cover
Nobody Loves Me when I played shows in coffee houses.
Stay tuned to find out the top six...I know you're on the edge of your seat. I can tell.
Interesting. I can appreciate most of those albums. I will be shocked if 6-1 doesn't include some older stuff.