Wednesday, April 21, 2010

River Hills Conclusion

As some of you may know, I have resigned as Worship Leader of River Hills Church. I am thankful for the opportunities and experiences that God has given me through this church plant.

It has been a blessing and an honor to see this church grow from a family of four to roughly 300+ people. It really is a movement of God. The relationships I've developed over the past several years will last me the rest of my life. I could never fully express my appreciation of the love and support I have recieved from the River Hills Church family.

Please pray for Megan and I as we seek God's direction for our lives during this time.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Set List for 04.18.10

Marvelous Light - Charlie Hall
All Because of Jesus - Fee
Made to Worship - Chris Tomlin
All Creatures - David Crowder Band
I Stand Amazed - The Alleliua Ep version

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Music Wednesday - See Me Through

See Me Through
I've really been looking forward to sharing this song with everyone. I wrote the chorus first and for several months couldn't finish the song. I guess it just had to marinate a little longer. It's kind of like checking the oven while you're waiting on a pizza to cook, or maybe some cookies. After the right amount of time the light goes off and everything makes sense.

Anyways, I digress. Let me know if you like it. I've been in the process of capturing some other ideas I have and even re-recording some music that I wrote in college. Enjoy this New Music Wednesday!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Set List for 04.11.10

Rejoice - Chris Tomlin
We Will Not Be Shaken - River Hills Worship
All We Need - Charlie Hall
Jesus Paid It All - Kristian Stanfill
Jesus Messiah - Chris Tomlin

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Set List - 04.04.10

We had a great worship experience yesterday at River Hills. We had 299 in attendance, and several decisions for Christ! If you weren't there you missed our guest worship leader, Matt Papa, who led us in a very authentic time of worship. Definitely check out Matt's website, find him on iTunes, do what you can to support his ministry. The world needs more guys like him!

Happy Day - Tim Hughes
Jesus Paid It All - Kristian Stanfill
Open Hands - Matt Papa
Stronger - Hillsong
Mighty to Save - Hillsong
Salvation is Here - Hillsong United

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Losing My Religion Graphic

So...Here is the Losing My Religion graphic. Contrary to my last post about the work flow and creative process, this was my first idea and first draft. Sometime things just come together the first time around. Usually the hardest part of design is resourcing pictures to use. You don't always have the ability to go out and take pictures of specific things. For instance in this graphic, I knew that I wanted angelic statues, but there aren't a lot of those available in Winder, GA. About six months ago I stumbled on this website with royalty-free pictures. I always change them or add something to them in some way before I use them. For example, the color is different, obviously, but I've also layered some different, more detailed stone textures over top just to spice it up a little.

I'm excited about this upcoming series, and what better time to start this than on Easter. If you're in the area come celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ this Easter at River Hills Church. We're going to have a blast, also joining us as a guest Worship Leader is Matt Papa, check his music out if you haven't already. It's going to be good.