Just some background before I go any further with this post, a lot of people may be surprised to find that my interest in music didn't really begin until the mid '90s. As I have discovered all types and styles of music since then, I think I picked out the albums that best directly relate to my personal musical style. Here's the top 6.
6. New Found Glory - Sticks and Stone

For those of you who may not know, I was in a pop punk band throughout the majority of my high school career. That in itself is worthy of its own blog. In the beginning, we were horrible. But over time, we grew into our own skin. This album was one of the biggest influences on me in that particular musical stage of my life. I love the guitar riffs/rhythms. I had a chance to catch a show of theirs at The House of Blues in Myrtle Beach, SC. Their energy and stage presence was incredible. During the last song of the show, they encouraged people to jump up on stage. Of course the bouncers were against that idea, so NFG got mad at the bouncers. Eventually, chaos broke out and the stage was flooded with people(mostly teenagers). I think our bassist at the time ended up with a drum stick. Call it brand loyalty or what have you, but I've continued to invest in every album of their since.
5. Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Live at Luther College

If you don't own this record, Go. Buy. It. Now. I picked this up as a senior in high school. I saw a VH1 Storytellers of these two guys and have been hooked ever since. I think most people would agree that Dave Matthews is on a higher level than most singer/songwriters. You know it's Dave when you hear that percussive acoustic riff. Only Dave can sing and scat the way he does and still get away with it being cool. Plus, adding a phenomenal guitarist like Tim Reynolds is just mind blowing. I can't believe that he(Tim) can play an acoustic with that much speed and still retain its clarity and voicing. My favorite song is probably
Trippin' Billies, I just love the riff.
4. Delirious? - Mezzamorphis

This album belonged to my sister. As I went to visit her one summer in Columbia, SC, we were listening to this as we drove around. Somehow I ended up going home with this. If I'm not mistaken we traded cd's. I digress. For me, this was one of the records you put on repeat and listen to over and over again. Delirious? has a very unique sound and I would count them in as one of the pioneers of Christian rock, even some aspects of worship music. I remember plugging in my Epiphone SG into my little Peavey amp and working my way through this record.
Deeper is one that stands out in my mind that I spent hours playing to. It's not typical music and I think that's why I was drawn to it.
3. Third Day - Time

Time is one of the first albums I was introduced and listening to when I first felt the calling on my life to get involved with performing/writing Christian music. Every song was solid. They all have a strong message, strong riffs and melodies.
I've Always Love You,
Your Love Oh Lord(Psalm 36),
What Good,
Sky Falls Down, and
Give are my favorites if I had to narrow them down. Unfortunately after this record I started to grow away from Third Day. Can't explain it, I could but it would take too long, but I do have a lot of respect for their music and appreciate the impact they've had on me my life.
2. Brevada - This Too Shall Pass

This band, native to the Columbia, SC area and also formerly known at The Doc Sommers Band, rocked my world in high school and a little of my college life. They may have had the greatest impact on me as a whole being a young musician when I discovered them. First off, one of the coolest things about the band is the fact that the lead singer's mother played the drums. Yeah, it was awesome because she rocked out better than most. The guitars were aggressive yet extremely melodic. There was passion and authenticity in the lyrics, overall great music. Sadly, they dispersed in, I think, the spring of 2005. The lead singer, Mack Brock is currently on staff at Elevation Church in Charlotte. If you haven't heard any of the worship music coming out of Elevation, you should do that right now. You might even catch a hint of Brevada in the music.
1. Third Eye Blind - Third Eye Bling

This was my first real record purchase. I was a 7th grader and for my birthday had a gift card to a record store. I had heard
Semi-Charmed Life on the radio and thought that it was a good enough reason for me to buy the cd. I can listen to this album at any time and all day long. I know the content is questionable for most middle schoolers(which is crazy cause that's when I bought this), but it's poppy. I like Pop Rock. The hooks/songs are great. No doubt. You'll be singing these songs long after you have listened to them. The guitar tones are superb. There are a lot of alternate tunings which gives it a very open feel. Favorite songs are
Semi-Charmed Life,
How's It Going to Be, you know actually every song is a favorite.
Other honorable mentions(in no particular order): Relient K - Mmhmm; Hootie & The Blowfish - Cracked Rear View; Jennifer Knapp - Lay It Down; Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown; Nickelback - All The Right Reasons; Shane & Shane - An Evening with Shane and Shane; Nine Days - The Madding Crowd; Erich Skelton - Some Other City; Dashboard Confessional - A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar; John Mayer - Heavier Things; Further Seems Forever - How to Start a Fire Disc 1; David Crowder Band - Illuminate, Story of the Year - Page Avenue; Maroon 5 - Songs About Jane