Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Church Planters Conference/"I think God is going to be awesome!"

So this week has been crazy already. puts on an annual conference up at Mountain Lake Church in Cumming, GA. I was able to go last year, enjoyed it and looked forward to it this year. Since Chip came down with pneumonia last week, it was up to me and Chance to carry out on our own. So we met at Chick-fil-a Monday morning and had breakfast, then headed to Cumming from the Discover Mills area. To make a long story shorter we missed the road off of Hwy 400 and stopped at a gas station, almost in Dahlonega, for gas and directions. As I looked up directions on my phone, Chance began to start pumping gas. A few seconds later he opens the door and says,

"Hey Brandt, how do I turn on the gas pump?"
"Push the button," I replied without looking up from my phone.
"I don't see it, where?" Chance said frantically.

So I turned around and there is a big white rectangle that says Push Here to Start. There's no need to go any further into that. A picture is worth a thousand words.

So we were on our way back from the conference, Tuesday around lunch time because I have to be back for the newspaper, when we began discussing God and what he is going to be like.

"I see God as a Zeus figure, throwing lightning bolts whenever He does something." Chance said enthusiastically.
[Sound effects included when describing God throwing lightning bolts]
"I hope God is muscular and has facial hair," he added after a moment of reflection.
He ended with this statement, which is a classic quote. " I think God is going to be awesome."

Now, obviously that came out wrong. But it was hilarious, and I began to think about that later last night and came up with this. So many times in my life I think God is "going to" be awesome. Looking ahead of myself wanting God to do something so big, and so great that it's beyond my imagination. I simply forget about what God is doing around me, through me, and through River Hills....I think Chance is awesome.

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