Thursday, October 23, 2008

Set List for 10.19.08

Sorry for my slackness this week. I've been getting settled into the new place in Bethlehem. I'll try and post some pictures of the new pad soon. But last Sunday was great. We did play the first original song, as soon as I can get a polished version of it recorded I'll post it somewhere, either here or here. I'll put the lyrics under the set list. That's a big vision of mine is to write, record, and incorporate those/theses songs into the worship here at River Hills.

Mighty to Save - Hillsong - Mighty to Save
All We Need - Charlie Hall - Flying into Daybreak
Beautiful Jesus - Kristian Stanfill - Passion: God of this City
My King - Brandt Farmer
I Surrender All - Hymn

My King
Verse 1:
Speak over us, words of truth and love
Breathe life on us, a grace that saved us all

I am found in Your saving grace
Overwhelmed that You took my place

My life, I give to You
My heart sings praises to the King
Jesus, You're my King

Verse 2:
Teach us Your will, we'll follow and obey
Lead us O God, we will walk in love

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