Wow, I can't believe last Sunday was the last Sunday in October. Man, time is flying by. The set this week was simple. I ran into a couple of problems when the batteries in my guitar decided to die right before the first song. So I cut one song that I intended to include in the set. The set was as follows.
Everlasting God - Brenton Brown
Unchanging - Chris Tomlin
Glory to God - Steve Fee(I think this one is fairly new, I heard it for the first time at Catalyst Conference '08, you can find a video of it here.)
There is No One - Jason Morant
*There is No One is probably one of my all time favorite worship songs. It's all about giving all that we have in worship to Jesus. I think that means more than just singing on Sunday mornings, but infiltrates our entire lives. "With all that I am, with all that I have, I will worship You, Jesus, alone" I love it. I'm convicted every time I sing it and lead it, because I never give that much of me to the glory of Jesus Christ. If I did there's no telling what would happen. So as I step up to do this, please join me. We all can use the company on the journey.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Comfortable Food
Chicken Stew
Probably the greatest thing ever invented. I think everyone has that meal/food where if that was the only thing they could eat for the rest of their life, they'd be fine with it. Well, Chicken Stew, is my ultimate comfort food. I could never tire of it's chickeny goodness. This is what I would beg my mom to make. Some kids want pizza, some mac & cheese, but I mostly wanted Chicken Stew. It's awesome when you are or are about to be under the weather. It soothes the soul.
It's not really a traditional stew. When I think of stew I think of beef, carrots, potatoes, and things of that nature. But for the most part, this is just chicken and milk. So simple, yet so delicious.
When I was in school during the winter, I would make this Sunday afternoon when I got home from church. Then I would eat off it for several days. I think it's kind of a normal thing around here in Georgia, especially around the country. I guess in a way it's like a poor man's supper. But since I love this soup so much, I've decided not to be stingy and to share the recipe with the world. So here goes, and don't worry you can't mess it up. I have a set way I make it, but when my grandmother makes it it's different every time.
Chicken Stew:(I'd better get credit if you make this for people.)
1 (9-10 oz.) can of white meat chicken breast
2 (14 oz.) cans of chicken broth
1 (12 oz.) can of evaporated milk
1 pint of heavy whipping cream
About 3/4 of a 1/2 gallon of 2% milk. (no idea how much that really is, I have an art degree)
salt, pepper, paprika, butter
So I start by getting a pot and dumping the chicken in, breaking it up a little. You can use more chicken, like two cans, or a big can and a little can, or what ever floats your boat. Or you can even use fresh chicken and pull it off the bone, it's really up to how much you want to work for this. I pour both cans of broth in, and bring it almost up to a boil. I'm pretty sure my mom said if the soup boils it's going to ruin it. So try not to let that happen. Next just add the evaporated milk, then the whipping cream. I'll add salt, pepper, and paprika(which I think is just for looks, I've added a little and an uber amount, and there's not much difference). Next add about a tablespoon of butter, more or less again your boat. Then I just pour the 2% milk in. It depends on how much you want to make, and how big your pot is. I've kind of learned how much to use by the pot I'm used to using. But you'll use most of a 1/2 gallon of milk. Just let it get hot and enjoy. Mom always dipped it out with a measuring cup, so that's what I do. Ladles are for losers and rich people.
Serve with saltine crackers and your favorite beverage. Coca-Cola is my preference. One more thing, put some ketchup in with the soup and stir before you crumble crackers in it a little tang. Don't scrunch your nose at me, don't think just do. If you're really brave, use hot more time, it's your boat. But for the record, I use ketchup.
Set List for 10.19.08
Sorry for my slackness this week. I've been getting settled into the new place in Bethlehem. I'll try and post some pictures of the new pad soon. But last Sunday was great. We did play the first original song, as soon as I can get a polished version of it recorded I'll post it somewhere, either here or here. I'll put the lyrics under the set list. That's a big vision of mine is to write, record, and incorporate those/theses songs into the worship here at River Hills.
Mighty to Save - Hillsong - Mighty to Save
All We Need - Charlie Hall - Flying into Daybreak
Beautiful Jesus - Kristian Stanfill - Passion: God of this City
My King - Brandt Farmer
I Surrender All - Hymn
My King
Verse 1:
Speak over us, words of truth and love
Breathe life on us, a grace that saved us all
I am found in Your saving grace
Overwhelmed that You took my place
My life, I give to You
My heart sings praises to the King
Jesus, You're my King
Verse 2:
Teach us Your will, we'll follow and obey
Lead us O God, we will walk in love
Mighty to Save - Hillsong - Mighty to Save
All We Need - Charlie Hall - Flying into Daybreak
Beautiful Jesus - Kristian Stanfill - Passion: God of this City
My King - Brandt Farmer
I Surrender All - Hymn
My King
Verse 1:
Speak over us, words of truth and love
Breathe life on us, a grace that saved us all
I am found in Your saving grace
Overwhelmed that You took my place
My life, I give to You
My heart sings praises to the King
Jesus, You're my King
Verse 2:
Teach us Your will, we'll follow and obey
Lead us O God, we will walk in love
Monday, October 13, 2008
Set List for 10.12.08
Hey guys here is the set list for last Sunday. I added a new one in, Hosanna, it's a good one. Here we go:
Hosanna - Brenton Brown - Everlasting God
Here is Our King - David Crowder - A Collision
O Praise Him - David Crowder - Illuminate
Before the Throne - Shane & Shane - Pages
How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin - Arriving
Hosanna - Brenton Brown - Everlasting God
Here is Our King - David Crowder - A Collision
O Praise Him - David Crowder - Illuminate
Before the Throne - Shane & Shane - Pages
How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin - Arriving
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Catalyst Confernce
I had the awesome opportunity to spend last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at Catalyst Conference here in Atlanta. It was a great time to be revitalized, and overwhelmed with information at the same time. My mind hasn't stopped spinning since. A lot of great speakers were there, a few of my favorites(in no particular order) were: Steven Furtick, Andy Stanley, Seth Godin, Matt Chandler, Craig Groeschel, and none other than Dave Ramsey. So I tried to narrow that list down, but those were most of the main speakers. Here's a few things I've been mulling over in my mind.
One thing Steven Furtick said that stuck in my mind was "God is preparing you for what He is preparing for you." He was talking about being faithful in the process between the promise God makes us and the payoff of that promise. It seems easy to get discouraged in the ministry of church planting. One week there's a lot of people, the next there is a handful of people. This was very encouraging to me. I found myself becoming discouraged and doubting myself as a leader early last summer.
Dave Ramsey talked about unity. He listed five enemies that keep a staff from building unity. One which I found intriguing is "Sanctioning Incompetency." This is very important as a staff that we hold each other accountable and not put up with incompetent actions/things. I have also been turning this inward on myself. How have I allowed myself to become slack or unproductive in certain areas of my life.
Lastly, a session that I went to on Wednesday night mentioned this. The guy talked about the summit, or penacle of what you are trying to reach, is a state of mind because when you get there, there is always another summit to obtain. It's like dreaming of reaching a certain attendance number on Sunday mornings. When we reach that goal, it will be a bigger dream/goal. His advice was to enjoy the journey.
Lastly, I thought this was random. Friday, I saw a real elephant, Jeff Foxworthy, and Franklin Graham all within like a 4-5 hour window. So random...I'm still not over that.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Set List for 10.05.08
Hey guys here is the set list for this past Sunday. It was a crazy weekend with the golf tournament all day Saturday, we had about an hour in between finishing the tournament then going to set up for Sunday morning. All of the band members played in the tournament, and I couldn't be more appreciative of their commitment to the band and this church. So here's the set:
Salvation is Here - Hillsong United - Look to You
Marvelous Light - Charlie Hall - Flying into Daybreak
How Great Thou Art - Charlie Hall - Passion: Hymns Ancient & Modern
From the Inside Out - Hillsong United - United We Stand
You are God - Charlie Hall - The Bright Sadness
Salvation is Here - Hillsong United - Look to You
Marvelous Light - Charlie Hall - Flying into Daybreak
How Great Thou Art - Charlie Hall - Passion: Hymns Ancient & Modern
From the Inside Out - Hillsong United - United We Stand
You are God - Charlie Hall - The Bright Sadness
Team Awesome scored an 81 last Saturday at the River Hills Golf Tournament. I have to say I'm proud of that score. That's 9 strokes over par. I don't think that's bad for four guys who haven't played in awhile.

However, that was the very last place. It was still loads of fun, and I think we raised a good bit of money for the church's building fund. So now matter what this guy says, or what kind of junk he talks, because I know it's coming, just know I'm dang proud....
However, that was the very last place. It was still loads of fun, and I think we raised a good bit of money for the church's building fund. So now matter what this guy says, or what kind of junk he talks, because I know it's coming, just know I'm dang proud....
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Golf Tourney
So for those of you who may not know, there's a River Hills Golf Tournament this Saturday. If you're not involved, you should be. It's going to be a blast. And since it's been...oh, about 2 years since I've touched a golf club, it's my priority to cram as much practice as I possibly can into the next 48 hours. So hopefully by Saturday morning around 11 a.m. I should look something like this:

OK, so that's a little extreme, but anything is possible. I don't really care to win the whole thing. I just want to beat this guy's team, and I will be content. There's still one slot left on Team Awesome(my unofficial team name)...I wonder what Tiger is doing Saturday...I'll have my people look into it.
Moral of this blog...All the cool people will be at the 1st Ever River Hills Church Golf Tournament, go here or email that guy for more info, but hurry, I mean the party goes down Saturday!
OK, so that's a little extreme, but anything is possible. I don't really care to win the whole thing. I just want to beat this guy's team, and I will be content. There's still one slot left on Team Awesome(my unofficial team name)...I wonder what Tiger is doing Saturday...I'll have my people look into it.
Moral of this blog...All the cool people will be at the 1st Ever River Hills Church Golf Tournament, go here or email that guy for more info, but hurry, I mean the party goes down Saturday!
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