Wednesday, September 17, 2008

5 a.m. already?

So it's been a little while since the last time I seriously wrote a song. Last night I got home from work at the newspaper around 11:30 p.m. or so. A couple of days ago I started working on lyrics for a new song, but I had that feeling that if I waited on it any longer I was going to lose it. So it took probably 30 minutes or so to hunt down my equipment and get everything set up. Seriously, it's been awhile, atleast a year since a solid song was born through my futile attempts.

It's amazing how a song comes together, if you've ever ventured into the songwriting realm you know what I mean. It's a simple song. Super simple, I've already described it as a little cheesy, but I'll take what I can get. The song is called You Are God. Usually when I write a song, it's some revelation I've had, or there's something I want to change about myself (mainly my attitude toward something). This song is all about God being my source of whatever I need at the moment. His ability to be everything to me shows that He is God.

This is kind of funny but I think this spurred on my mindset of being overwhelmed that God is God. This past Sunday at River Hills, I had the privileged of watching the kids during our New Membership Class. Basically, we watched The Prince of Egypt, which made me feel old because none of the kids in that room were alive when it came out (except a couple of youth, and they were like 3). Anyways I digress, I haven't watched that movie probably since it came out. But I was really taken aback by the burning bush scene. It's a cool depiction of God being The Great I Am. He simply is. I get lost in that thought. It's still more than I can comprehend. But cool, and I was able to scrounge up a song out of it. I'll post it on my Facebook page and my Myspace, bare with me it's a little rough around the edges, what would you expect it was 5 a.m.!

You give me hope
beyond all imagination
You give me peace
beyond every situation
You are my strength
Over all of my frustrations
You are my King
Lord, You are everything

We praise the Father and the Son
Holy Spirit, Three in One
Jesus Christ, Beloved Son
Bring Your love, Your kingdom come

You are God

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