Saturday, July 24, 2010

Best Advice.

This past week was probably one of the craziest weeks of my life. After about three months of hardcore job searching, I was able to land two interviews and get two job offers. At first the problem was finding a job, then I found myself having to choose between two very appealing job offers. This brought be back to some very good advice I received from my father a few years ago.

[Begin Dream Sequence]
It was the fall of 2005 and I wanted to ask a certain woman to marry me. I remember talking with my dad about it and it was almost as if I was asking his permission. I'll never forget the advice he gave me. It's so simple and practical yet so profound. He basically told me that I was the only one who could make my life's decisions because I was the only one who had to deal with the consequences, good or bad.
[End Dream Sequence]

Believe it or not that was some of the most freeing advice that I've ever gotten from anyone. As I was wrestling this week with choosing a job and leaving another behind, I was reminded of that moment. It was a tough choice because I put a final stamp on one chapter of my life and am taking a huge step into another. I said farewell to The Oconee Enterprise, which was difficult, and I am thankful and blessed for the experience gained over the past two and a half years. But I feel that this is my next move, I have a peace about it. Continue to pray for Megan and I as we both adjust to new job roles, and that God would lead us to a church where He would have us get involved and serve in.

*In case you're wondering, I accepted a job as a Graphic Designer with a company in Norcross, GA. That's more or less the Atlanta area for those who are not familiar with the area. I'm excited and ready to jump into this new role.