Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Service

I hope everyone has had a great Christmas Holiday. River Hills kicked Christmas off with our Christmas service on Sunday night, December 21. God blew me away in every aspect of the service. We had 140+ people which is our highest attendance yet, and 1 person expressed interest in beginning a relationship with Christ. That was definitely the best part.

Here is "We Celebrate You" from the Christmas Service. God always reminds me that He is in control and in charge. In the morning service we were playing this song and right before the end of the song, we tripped a breaker and lost all power. That's the first time that had happened to us. But instead of getting frustrated or mad, you have to smile and give God recognition that He is in control.

****We are still working on some new original material, writing and getting them recorded. So be on the look out for some type of cd coming hopefully by mid-to-late Summer 2009.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Yep, I'm a slacker

So, it's been awhile since I've posted...well anything on here. However, there are some cool things in the works right now in the world of Brandt and River Hills. I'm currently working on a new Christmas song(a road I've never traveled before) and also trying to record that. Just the recording part has been a daunting feat in itself. That's a separate post altogether. I plan on attempting to finish up the recording tomorrow, and if I play my cards right, there may be the first video blog for your viewing pleasure.

Again sorry for my slackness, but I think it will be well worth the wait...hopefully.